Cumaru Lumber

cumaru lumber
DESCRIPTION Color varies from a golden tan to a reddish brown with some dark grain accents throughout the wood.

South America (Brazil)

BOTANICAL NAME Dipteryx Odorata
OTHER NAMES Almendrillo, Brazilian Teak, Tonka, and Tonquin Bean
MECHANICAL PROPERTIES This wood has a bending strength of 14,793 psi.
WORKING PROPERTIES Difficult to saw and bore. Where severely interlocked grain is not present, the wood planes to a smooth surface. Because of its high density and oily nature, the wood glues poorly. It nails and screws well; pre-boring is necessary.
DURABILITY Cumaru is very durable. The heartwood has shown to be very durable in resistance to both brown-rot and white rot fungi. The wood has excellent weathering characteristics.
SEASONING Cumaru is rated as easy to air-season with a slight tendency to check and with moderate warping; drying was uniformly rapid.
USES Outdoor Decking, flooring, cogs and shafts, heavy construction, barge and dock fenders, railroad crossties, pulp mill equipment, tool handles, bearings, turnery. A substitute for lignum vitae.
COMMENTS The cumaru tree is cultivated in many areas for the tonka beans used as a flavoring, which have a vanilla-like flavor.

Cumaru Lumber

janka hardness: 3540
For more info on the janka hardness scale CLICK HERE

Cumaru Lumber Prices

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cumaru wood
Cumaru Wood can be used to make beautiful furniture such as this table.

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