Florida Cedar


Common Names
Aromatic Red Cedar, Eastern Redcedar
Scientific Name
Juniperus virginiana
Eastern North America
Heartwood tends to be a reddish or violet-brown. Sapwood is a pale yellow color, and can appear throughout the heartwood as streaks and stripes. Has a straight grain, usually with knots present. Has a very fine even texture. Endgrain: Resin canals absent; earlywood to latewood transition gradual, grain moderately uneven to moderately even; tracheid diameter small to very small; zonate parenchyma (double ring).
Avg. Dried Weight
33 lbs/ft3 (530 kg/m3)
Janka Hardness
900 lbf
Modulus of Rupture
8,800 lbf/in2 (60.7 MPa)
Elastic Modulus
880,000 lbf/in2 (6.07 GPa)
Crushing Strength
6,020 lbf/in2 (41.5 MPa)
Radial: 3.1%, Tangential: 4.7%, Volumetric: 7.8%, T/R Ratio: 1.5
Regarded as excellent in resistance to both decay and insect attack, Aromatic Red Cedar is frequently used for fence posts used in direct ground contact with no pre-treating of the wood.
Overall, Aromatic Red Cedar is easy to work, notwithstanding any knots or irregularities present in the wood. It reportedly has a high silica content, which can dull cutters. Aromatic Red Cedar glues and finishes well, though in many applications, the wood is left unfinished to preserve its aromatic properties.

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