Bolivian Walnut Lumber

Bolivian Pecky Walnut lumber
DESCRIPTION Our Bolivian Walnut is a dark brown color.
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Indigenous to the Central and South America
BOTANICAL NAME Cariniana pyriformis
OTHER NAMES Abarco, Bacu and Ceru
DURABILITY Bolivian Walnut is very durable and has been known to be resistant to termites.
USES Bolivian Walnut is used for furniture, cabinetry, flooring, accent walls and ceilings, porch ceilings, wainscoting and turnery.
COMMENTS The tree grows to heights of 100-130 feet and up to 4-6 feet in diameter.

Bolivian Walnut

janka hardness: 1020
For more info on the janka hardness scale CLICK HERE

Bolivian Walnut Lumber Prices

4/4 Pecky Bolivian Walnut Lumber

Starting From $4.80

6/4 Pecky Bolivian Walnut Lumber

Starting From $4.90

8/4 Pecky Bolivian Walnut Lumber

Starting From $5.00

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